Saturday, July 21, 2007

Is productivity directly proportional to time?

Few Indian companies are thinking to increase weekly working hours from 40 to 50. In my view productivity is not directly proportional to number of hours spent in office. It could easily be improved by increasing the focus on doing right things and improving motivation of workforce. But by increasing number of hours would only increase the billable hours not productivity.

Quite opposite to study conducted by Gartner and trend suggest that weekly hours will reduce.

SOA in MOE and LOE

More acronyms - MOE and LOE. May be due to my roots in Telcom domain, I am used to acronym in day to day life. MOE means Management Oriented Enterprise and LOE means Leadership Oriented Enterprise.

MOE is basically a type of culture prevalent in Enterprise. In this type of Enterprise, there exists lot of committees. Every decision is approved by hierarchy of people. Decisions are based on big reports. Long discussions take place to improve the efficiencies. Every big enterprise has processes. In this enterprise, employees follows all the processes to complete milestones. It helps to check the progress but the value of each step in process is not evaluated. Employees just complete the activity to tick the completeness. Delivery is primary focus.

LOE is another type of culture prevalent in Enterprise. In this type of there exists Leaders. Leaders at all levels. These Enterprises also creates lot of small committees. These committees come up with small action items. They believe in pilots, POC, prototypes instead of big reports. Long discussions too happens but with actionable outputs. Processes are followed and employees try to add value in each step. Quality is primary focus.

Somehow, I feel MOE adopts top down approach of SOA and LOE adopts bottom up approach due its culture. A push for top down in LOE is going to be much more successful than in MOE.

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Run a country without governance

Idea looks quite weird to run a Country without governance. Even thought is scary that if no governance is present in country, what will happen to state of a nation.

Think of a Country which is composed of States. And there is no central governance present, what will happen to States. Few States might be able to self govern, few will loose direction and few will become rogue States. With time, it will become difficult to manage the Country as a whole. Vision of country will be blurred and lost. States won't be able to leverage each other strengths. States will try to run their own charters and soon forget that they are part of Country. Most of States will have their own priorities, goals and budgets.

Still not convinced and think that Governance is overhead in a Country. Just for information, check the link Somalia , which is the only country in the world where there is no government.

Now just replace the Country with Enterprise and States with Projects. Hope you understand that missing governance in Enterprises is one of most common reason for complex IT state.

"That man is successful who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of the intelligent men and the love of children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had." - Ralph Waldo Emerson